Monday 21 June 2010


The image is grainy.
But I don't need to see clearly
To know what it is I'm looking at.

I can see the colour of his skin
Though the camera's bleached it white.

I know the shape of his mouth
Though it's near invisible in this picture.

I know the way he looks at me
Though his eyes are pixellated
Just dark squares here.

I know what a picture cannot see.
I know the feel, the scent, the life of him.

It's imprinted on my heart.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Defender Of Men

When I stumble, it's you who stops me falling.
You catch me before I hit the ground
And hold me
Until I feel safe again.

When it's raining, you bring out the sun.
It beams from your eyes
And from your smile.

When I've sunk to the deepest depths,
It's you who dives too.
To wrap an arm around my waist and hoist me
Until I'm flying.

When I'm on top of the world, you take me to the moon.
You make a good day
A thousand times better.

It's you who tracks my footprints
Waiting for the falters,
To spring forward and coach me on.
I lean on you,
Rely on you,
Look up to you.
Without you i'd have tripped and broken four hundred times or more
This past year.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

What You Will

Tongue, teeth,
Skin, nails.
Soft and sharp,
Gentle and vicious.
All safe you are with danger
Not far off.
Enfold me, imprison me.
Stroke me, slap me.
Kiss me, bite me.
We are one.

A Poem Written A While Ago That I'm Not Sure Why I Wrote And Don't Have A Title For But Thought Was Quite Nice

I miss him.
Oh god, I miss him.
And I love him, I know that for sure,
But I can't say "I love you" first
For fear of the reply.
But he's always in my mind

The first time he said it
My pulse skipped a beat
As I replied with all my heart
I love you I love you
I love you
And now
Does he think I don't mean it
Because I want to scream it day and night?
Does it cheapen the feel if you say it too often?
Even though, internally,
It's always,


A candle.
That kiss of pink upon your cheek.
Your eyes sparkle
Lips flush soft with laughter.
We're flying, you and I. Higher
Sun warms our limbs as we soar, grass sweet around trees blazing.
Together we hold on tight.
Here we are.
And here we'll stay,
Airbourne, weightless,

Friday 4 June 2010

Funny How Inspiration Strikes When I'm Meant To Be Doing Other Things

I wonder
Do you notice how
I break into smiles when I see you,
Even though I can't see you.
The world blurs in my defective eyes
Until a metre away but
I see you
Without my eyes.
And I feel the warmth of that vision
And It expresses as a smile.
If you smile back, it makes it all the more

In The Style Of Auden

This is to say that I'm sorry.
I will admit it to all: I was wrong.
I will climb to the highest mountaintop,
And scream the words out loud and long.

I will dive to the deepest of oceans,
To tell it to all of the fish.
I'll whisper it in to the wailing west wind,
And send it wherever you wish.

My sunbeam, my moonlight, my angel,
I'm laying my heart at your feet.
My daydream, my night's dream, my X-----,
Take it, it's for you to keep.

Sleep well, my love. Sweetest of sweet dreams.